Temecula Maternity Photography

So after the last pregnancy shoot went so well I pushed Jess to get out in a field and take more pics. She wanted to, just needed the push. Im sure everything is a lot harder to do at the very end of a pregnancy when feeling really big and uncomfortable. Glad she did it as this set came out really well. We got out into the Temecula Wine Country literally minutes before the sun went down and busted these out in 15 minutes. Amazing what you can do in that amount of time if you have to. Probably a combo of being comfy on both sides of the camera but she makes it easy and is an excellent model to shoot. So for this maternity session we were going for an old school darker film look [end result] so I shot with that in mind and did everything under exposed a bump or two so that in post production it would translate better. I’m loving the way it came out and would love to shoot more like this in the future… we’ll see, maybe a sign of things to come? Dont get me wrong, I love light and bright shots just the same.. just for us I’d say this is new territory and Im loving the feel of it. Cool being able to do both.






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