Destination Wedding Photography, Palm Springs
Destination Wedding Photography, PALM SPRINGS
Got some Palm Springs Wedding Photography goooooodness on the blog this evening!! I’m kinda embarrassed to say this is the first wedding blog post I’ve done in 2018 and we are 3 months into the year already! Arghhhhh where has the time gone!? They say time flies when you are having fun, so I’m totally going with that! FUN! So much fun happening that I’ve totally neglected posting anything on wedding blog… and lets not even count the days since my last post on facebook! lol its been even longer. Not for lack of anything but time. 2018 has been busy! We’ve shot a handful of weddings and engagements as well as more commercial work for Idyllwild Arts Academy and E-Harmony.com!
We are still booking photobooth rentals in Temecula through TemeculaPhotobooth.com and have picked up some additional gear early this year to do video work that will be pushing business in new directions. We have tapered down the load so that we can finish everything in time to hit the road as soon as the kids get out of school in June! I’m kinda just going to glaze over that life changing decision for now and leave it to its own post in the near future. The short version is: adventure on the open road awaits!! The RV is getting a serious remodel so that its functional and cozy for life on the road. Scaling down and consolidating our lives to what we most need can fit within our RV isn’t easy but the idea of paying thousands a year for storage has been a huge motivation to sell off as much as we can.
So moving on!! This is going to be the first of many blog posts as I dust the cobwebs off and get back on the saddle. Excited about this so Im starting here! Last month we photographed a wedding in Palm Springs at The Cree Estate. First time ever at the Cree Estate.. simply amazing on so many levels. It had all the necessary ingredients for a perfect party and then some! Amazing food, killer craft cocktails, Photo booth, Desert bar w/ churros. [my fav!] annnnnnnnd a Silent Disco!! So once it hit 10pm and the sound had to go off the party kept on going.
**If you don’t know what a silent disco is, google it!! I could try n break it down but its something you have to be a part of to really appreciate. Definitely the way to party into the late hours of the night! We spent a beautiful day + night in the desert with all of our favorite people and we left with grateful hearts. Lilian, you are my favorite! Everything is always on point and you’ve brought us some seriously AMAZING couples! Genuine people that we remain friends with and look forward to seeing. Thanks for connecting us with the most amazing bride and groom we could hope for, once again!
When you find your match you just know. Undeniable charm and good looks. That sparkle in the eyes + love for life has you anticipating the next time you are with them… simply being around them makes you a better person. No, I’m not talking about my soulmate and sidekick this time ;) I’m talking about Mike n Sue. Serious power couple. The real deal. Totally obvious minutes into our skype and seconds into the Abbot Kinney engagement session. Two radiant souls, so beautiful, kind, and thoughtful beyond expectation. Seriously, its the big day and they’re going out of their way making sure we were totally taken care of. I cherish days like this where we’re brought in as family. We laughed and partied along side you [camera in hand] for your best night ever and left the night with so much love in our hearts feeling totally fulfilled. We hope you feel that love reliving the day again through our eyes.