a night with my girls making cake pops

This was a fun night just hangin out with my girls. Cake pops are the rage right now! We see em all the time in dessert bars at weddings we photograph. They make for great little gifts and are suuuuuuuper easy to make…. besides, what are you gonna do with all the leftover cake bits after shaving and shaping your cake? Throw it all away? yeah right. The idea behind creating amazing cake pops is to take all the left over shavings and pieces of cake that werent used and balling em up with frosting and dipping them into chocolate [with sticks]. Seriously amazing chewy goowy treats. I told Jess that if this wedding photography thing doesnt work out for some reason she could always open a cake shop. Avalon would agree with me, mommy makes some delicious desserts.

