Forever and Always Farm Wedding – Temecula Wedding Photography
Happppy Sunday ya’ll. Hope you had fun at Sunday brunch, watchin football or whatever it is that excites ya on this day of rest. Me? Oh I’m just cranking away on a blog post in the early hours of the AM after binge watching some Netflix with Jess. You know how it gets ya, right? New show comes on, peaks your interest, then you get stuck on a good run of em before looking for a safe place to jump off and end the ride!! annnnd that only happened cause you want something to look forward and dont wanna watch it all in one reckless night. Thats the ride I just got off. lol
Shifting gears.
Before I got sucked into Netflix original series land I had just finished editing this Forever and Always Farm wedding. Not quite ready for bed yet, with a mild buzz [feelin chatty but everyones goin to bed] so I wanted to make the best of the inspiration and share some of my favs from Sam and Ryans wedding with ya. At first cull of images for the wedding blog I think I was up around 190. Absurd, I know… Since I am hoping to get you through all this with me, Im going to need to chop it down. It’s going to be hard. I think I turned out over 900 shots for this one not including the 200 photos from our photo booth.
Let the day begin.
The title above comes from a Samhain song. If you know, then you know.. if not? click the headline X ; ) I reference because it’s an appropriate tie to the sort of “aaha!” moment that had me loving our new bride before I’d even met her. When Samantha first reached out online and I noticed her email handle was a shout to Samhain [1980’s Horror rock post misfits / pre danzig] Obscure-ish but known to those that do… my jam. We started chatting and hit it off and thats when she offered me a million points to name the guy she was with in this pic.
I immediately collected my 1,000,000 prize by saying… “Billy Zoom, duhhhh!!” ;) annnnnnd the rest is history. [I dont eXpect you to know who Billy Zoom is but if ya wanna punk history lesson you can click [HERE]
Connect the dots.
It was no accident and I’m totally convinced that the universe has a way of putting the right people where they need to be. It brought me to these guys the same way it initially brought them together. You can call it what you want but you have to admit that the universe does have a crazy way of doing things. Some say coincidence. Some think there is a plan. I have learned that when open to possibilities incredible things happen. “Yes! man” philosophy is one of the best.
If you wanna see this in action you never really have to look much further than the way two people meet. I seriously look forward to hearing how each of our couples met each other. We have some crazy ones we’ve heard over the past 9 years. Full on romantic comedy style meet ups… girl dancing falls and goes tumbling across the dancefloor onto the feet of husband to be, one of my favorites. Many would seem to be random chance or totally serendipitous. Jess n I [for example] met in high school during a photo class. awwwwww picture that. see what I did there? photo class. picture that. yeah, I’m on fire.
These days.
More n more couples meet online but even then those ways vary. Dating sites? Facebook? Forums [do people go to those anymore??] Video games.. YEah.. I said it cause it happens and these wonderful humans below met online paying a video game. How rad is that!? Wish I knew what game so I could give added hope for any of you single gamers out there pulling 8 hour raids on a friday night. Kidding! [but not really]
Did someone say, Alpaca?
Uhhh not until you read it in your head just now, however, since you did I’m gonna say that was the best surprise of the day!! Definitely did not see THAT coming. I’d never been to Forever and Always Farm before, so that too was a pleasant surprise. Pam runs a beautiful estate wedding venue in the hills of Temecula. Annnnd what farm would be complete without a few cool animals, right?! Teddy came out with us during golden hour for a few snaps and laughs. One of the highlights for sure. The details were on point, Temecula Photo Booth was rocking the open air PARTYbooth, annnnnd there was a massive spread of gourmet doughnuts following dinner [try not to drool all over your screen when you get to em] the cocktails were flowing, music was bumping: All the active ingredients to keep the guests raging into the night.
I’m not sure what much more can be said [or even needs to] .. Cheers Samantha and Ryan! We love you both and are thankful our paths crossed. You two are the real deal. Love radiates between ya and the moments we shared with a rowdy lot your 100 closest family and friends were awesome. We had the best freakin time by your sides capturing these moments and hope you enjoy reliving it below.